Sunday, July 13, 2008

Feed me!

Claire is certainly a good eater! She eats better than the picky 2 year old that Alley is. Claire hasn't learned patience though and becomes quite vocal when she is getting hungry. I am trying to teach her a few signs in sign language like we did with Alley - but she so far just gets frustrated - almost saying Just Feed Me Already!
She is however starting to use her hands for clapping and trying to figure out a wave - so far she just puts her hand up in the air. No real words yet - a lot of babble - Ba, mamamama, Heyah.
She is pulling herself up on furniture but hasn't lean to cruise or walk along beside them. She is quite the crawler though and quickly is off if you don't watch her. She finds her sister very neat and wants to do everything her she is. I anticipate some fights in our future, as Claire at her young age has figured out how to throw temper tantrums - mostly over a sought after toy.

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