Friday, March 25, 2011

" I can't a know"

I had a conference w Claire's preschool teacher and he was a little concerned about her grammar. She often says the above phrase that is kind of cute but we need to correct her. She also says "Her told me to....." But Alley says "her" a lot instead of "she"- so likely getting that reinforced from Alley. We talked to Alley before about "her" - she is so stubborn- she said she wants to say it that way.
But overall Claire is growing up - talking a lot more and has an imagination- always telling me about stories she has made up- that seem to have cats and monsters in them a lot.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Claire with much enthusiasm accepting her completion certificate for gymnastics.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Can you see her cavities? I guess the dentist felt her enamel didn't form right and now has 2 cavities in her molars. Even the minor hospitalization when she was 5 months could have deterred enamel formation . So fillings in a couple weeks w the help of laughing gas.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hair raising experience

Claire had a blast going down the slide at Alley's party. She also has had a lot of fun playing with all of Alley's toys. She has taken a liking to the Alley's new Barbie Veterinarian that came with a cat, kittens, x-ray machine and of course there is a slide for the cats to conveniently get off the examining table.

Super Jump

Alley's 5th birthday at Pump It Up

Climb, play, and crash

Claire at Alley's Pump It Up party.

Post jumping, cupcake, and candy crash. This is the staring phase prior to the meltdown.