Friday, March 25, 2011

" I can't a know"

I had a conference w Claire's preschool teacher and he was a little concerned about her grammar. She often says the above phrase that is kind of cute but we need to correct her. She also says "Her told me to....." But Alley says "her" a lot instead of "she"- so likely getting that reinforced from Alley. We talked to Alley before about "her" - she is so stubborn- she said she wants to say it that way.
But overall Claire is growing up - talking a lot more and has an imagination- always telling me about stories she has made up- that seem to have cats and monsters in them a lot.
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1 comment:

Anne said...

Sheesh, she's only three! My advice is to model the correct pronoun back to her with some emphasis, but don't try to directly correct her or tell her "no, it's she". It's very normal for kids to still be working out pronouns at three.