Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mmmm tasty house

> Claire has enjoyed the holidays- with lots of good food and candy!!!!! Starting with Thanksgiving - we had everyone to our house on thanksgiving weekend. Then came December and the advent calendar that Grandma Erlys made for them. We put left over Halloween candy in each days pocket to count the days down to Christmas. We have dipped pretzels in aims bark & sprinkles and made gingerbread/ graham cracker houses. Claire was so excited to get the Pressed Dough maker ( as seen on TV) from Rob for Christmas. We made sugar cookies w grandma Erlys supposedly shaped like animals.

Claire's crazy gingerbread house


I want a train set Santa

> Claire & Alley, along w AJ & Amelia and family visited the model train museum in St Paul for their night train exhibit w all the models lit up just before Christmas. Claire still loves trains - so when she saw Santa there , it was no surprise what she asked for.