Sunday, March 18, 2012

Crazy Claire

She and Alley are having fun with this new photo app.

Claire told me today - she is "not going to cry anymore when I drop her off and she will never put anything in her ear again."

This week we had 2 doctors visits - first to her pediatrician with a traumatic attempt to try and get a popcorn kernel out of her ear. Finally to ENT on Friday - who after using the papoose (aka strap her down) they finally got it out.

We also talked to the pediatrician about her frequent urination. She didn't have a UTI or diabetes - just a little irritation and a little anxious bladder. So should be just a phase - but every 15 mins is ridiculous!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Claire's artwork

She was quite proud of this picture made on one of my phone apps. She isn't the artist like Alley- so have a feeling this will be more her speed.

Kindergarten round up is in 2 weeks - we plan to sign Claire up - and try and decide sometime late this spring if she is ready this year or next.