Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Home from the hospital

Claire went home from the hospital today. She is certainly doing much better. Still has quite a cough and goes into coughing fits at times. We have a nebulizer machine for her at home and some antibiotics for an ear infection. Hopefully in a few days she'll be back to her old self- however she is already starting to smile and stick out her tongue which is her new trick.

Now seeing how much better she is today, I realize how sick she was on Saturday when we went in. She was breathing so fast - up to 100 times a minute at times, which normal for her age is 4o. Mostly in the hospital they just supported her through her bout with RSV. They suctioned her often which made a great difference and gave her IV fluids, as she only started eating yesterday.

I realize though, being at a place like Children's hospital that Claire had a relatively minor illness compared to many kids there. I can't imagine being there for months and living with so much fear and uncertainity about your child's health.

I am also glad that Claire will probably not remember this. She seemed to figure out quickly that she hated to be suctioned, but I don't think she'll have long lasting fear of going to doctor given her young mind. Interestingly, Rob probably had RSV and was hospitalized at the same age, his parents tell us, as of course Rob doesn't remember it either.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Even though Claire has to spend another night in the hosipital she was able to put one a happy face for dad's camera phone.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our little Claire is unfortunately sick and in the hospital. She had been home for a few days from daycare with a fever and cough. She was working pretty hard to breath so I bought her into the clinic. She was tested and found to have RSV (respiratory synctial virus). She was still working hard to breath and was found to have low oxygen - so she was sent over to Children's Hospital. I think she'll pull though this just fine, but right now needs oxygen, suctioning, and IV fluids because she hasn't been eating. Hopefully she'll go home on Monday or Tuesday.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Claire has learned to roll over from her back to stomach. Though as the 2 minute video (and the other ~10 minutes I spared you from) shows she refuses to do it on command.

Of course minutes after this was filmed, while we chased a semi-naked Alley, she gave me this end product:

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Photo shoot

Claire had 4 month pictures taken at Proex and we got a CD of the pictures, so I can share them.
We were comparing Claire and Alley at 4 months. Alley seemed to have more hair and had a little thinner face. Claire has also a more pointed chin than Alley. They are only an ounce apart in weights at their 4 month check ins - with Claire a 13lbs 9 ounces. You can tell they are sisters but I think they'll both have their own unique look.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Claire laughs a lot though up until now she has been a little shy to do it on camera.


Here is a picture of the Bear Papa Alley gave Claire. I am posting it as proof for Alley in the future to prove it is actually hers. Alley has claimed it as her own and it is now one of her favorites and sleeps with it most nights.