Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Great uncle Andy

Another trip to ND but this time we got to see grandma Erlys's side of
the family. Andy was a good sport when Claire and Andy started
jumping on him. I think he liked the great uncle role though.

Hmmm.... They don't look like Alley girls?

Great aunt Josie and cousin Cheri look like typical Alley girls with
dark hair and a nice tan. I guess Grandma Erlys genes were at work
and maybe some of those Berg genes from Rob's side?

I want to be just like grandpa

Claire's 1st pony ride

You can tell she wasn't scared a bit -just all smiles.

Easy ride

Claire got a ride from cousin Randy.

It was a blue sucker

Showing off for great aunt Irene

Indian feather sucker

On our trip to Jamestown we visted a frontier town and got a cool

Friday, July 16, 2010

Alley and Claire

Beth's cousin Tim's dog is name is Alley. This Alley is a few years
older than our Alley and seemingly a little bigger and furrier.

Zoo w Grandpa Alley

Butterflies 2010

Como zoo

Monday, July 12, 2010

Parade candy

Claire and Alley were in a kiddie parade today in Hopkins. They
decorated their wagon and made a sign that Claire decorated w
stickers. Claire rode in the wagon and I believe she ate more candy
than she gave out.