Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winter Melt Down

Claire learning to drive.

Claire loves everything her sister likes, including the super jump.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pony Parade

All the ponies that Claire and Alley have collected with more added from Alley's birthday.

Notice Claire's belly in the background.

Cute little Gophers

Latest family photo

Actually Rob's parents watched the kids while Rob and I went to a 80s costume party at Rob's work and snapped a family photo that we will always cherish.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another ER visit

Claire's 4th visit to the ER - this time no scars are left. She gave Mom a scare instead.

She had seen be take some ibuprofen this morning and her children's multivitamin were there - so I gave her one. She went in the other room and ate it - almost savored it - they seem like they would taste terrible. She must have been looking for more of those yummy vitamins - because a few minutes later I found her in my bathroom going through my drawers. She had in one hand a bottle of benadryl with the lid only partially on. She said "I ate it." and pointed down her mouth. I asked her if she ate anything else - she consistently shook her head when I pointed other things out and only nodded with the bottle of benadryl. I asked her what she ate and she said "red and pink" which would describe benadryl tabs.

Unfortunately you can't trust a 2 year old - you can't trust them out of your sight for a bit apparently - and you can't trust what they say. So I really don't know if she took any and I had used several tabs already in the bottle - so that was not a good indicator.

Poison control said she should go in to be monitored. So we sat being monitored in the ER for 4 hours. Fortunately she really never showed any signs of overdose - fast heartrate, even seizures. She didn't sleep a wink there - but when we got home she slept hard for hours. Who knows probably slept hard from all the excitement or boredom maybe. Mom slept hard too.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Not yuck

Claire really has found her personality. She obviously dressed
herself here. She also is now classifying somethings as - Not Yuck!
Brownies by the way are Not Yuck.


Claire didn't so much enjoy sledding- she said it was coldee- which is
Claire speak for cold.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Super Yuck

Claire's vocabulary keeps expanding. She routinely says "Yuck" at supper time and even "Super Yuck" or "Very Yuck". This does not deter her however from later eating her entire meal.

She likes to talk excitedly about her trip to Arizona. Often it goes - Airplane - way up there, high. Mountains. Train- tunnel, scary. Mickey Mouse pancakes. Swimming. It all makes sense to me - I guess you had to be there.