Monday, September 1, 2008

Growing bigger

Claire still loves to eat! She had her one year old checkup and she is 21 lbs 11oz - which is actually only 60th percentile - but almost 3 lbs bigger than Alley was at this age. She's pretty tall 70th percentile and still has a big head 97th percentile!

She is very active- getting into everything. She keeps climbing up the stairs and trying to gracefully go down - but has tumbled down a few times- somehow that doesn't deter her though. She is now cruising the furniture and walking behind push toys, but doesn't walk on her own. She did however pull herself up and open the shower door this morning. She then slipped and caught the edge of her eyebrow on the metal edge coming down. It bled quite a bit and we were afraid it would leave a big scar. She fortunately avoided stitches but did get Dermabond (the super glue stuff).

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