Wednesday, May 28, 2008

She's already got a big head

Claire had her 9 month doctor's appointment today. She seems to be very healthy after a rough winter. She is a chubby little baby ( at least bigger than Alley) - she weighs in at 19lbs 2 oz which is the 51% percentile. Alley was mostly in the 30% percentile. Alley didn't hit the magical weight of 20lbs at one year old - so that we would be able to turn the car seat around. Claire looks like she is well on her way to getting there by her first birthday. The pediatrician was surprised to see how big of a head she has though - she is in the 96% for head circumference. She made the nurse measure it twice. Alley also seemed to have a disproportionate large head. The funny thing is neither of them look abnormal to me. They don't seem to have huge pumpkin heads. I at least hope the big head stereotype is true that they will be brainy kids.

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