Monday, August 30, 2010

Dinosaur train

Claire and Alley recreated the cartoon Dinosaur Train from Claire's new Legos

Monday, August 23, 2010

Serious artist

Sent from my iPhoneRobert Grommesh

More presents

We all had a good time celebrating Claire's 3rd birthday. She shared cupcakes at preschool earlier in the day and then had some friends over and their parents the evening of her birthday. She of course had more cupcakes - a big pink flower pull-apart cupcake birthday cake. She also had a pinata filled with candy and goodies for her and her friends. She complained that her tummy hurt at the end of the night - not surprisingly!

- Above books from Uncle Gregg, along with more candy! She also got a play ice cream shop set from Grandma Erlys.

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Robert Grommesh


Barbies were the big hit this year- she got a barbie w a horse from Alley, ballerina barbie from Grandpa Alley, and princess Tiana barbie from Helen and Charlie.

Oh Claire

I just have to remember she's only 3. Just like her not so funny jokes that she tells everyone - "why did the chicken cross the road? .....because there was a cat!" Don't get it, we don't either.

Happy 3rd Birthday Claire!

Goofy kids- Claire is actually wearing a orange tutu and Alley is in a monkey suit w fairy wings.

This site seeing thing is exhausting

Wisconsin River on a Duck boat.

No Grandpa!

Don't eat my toes!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wild and Crazy Times in the Dells

Putt Putt in the heat of Wisc. Dells

Fun but exhausting

Claire had a fun time at Wisc. Dells and the waterpark. She went down quite a few slides on her own. She however wanted Mom to walk her all the way up to the top of the slide and Grandma was nice enough to catch her at the bottom. The last day of our vacation - you can obviously tell that all that fun was taking a toll on Claire.

Rainbow Toes

All the girls has a pedicure prior to going to Wisconsin Dells - the bigger girls at a Nail salon and the little ones - Alley and Claire - got home pedicures. They choose a rainbow of colors.

Monday, August 2, 2010

We hope she becomes a hockey player

Poor little Claire - she isn't quite 3 and has been to the emergency room 5 times - 3 for cuts. She already has the matching gashes that required dermabond glue on the lateral lower edge of both eyebrows. Yesterday she added another scar - as she was in the bathroom washing her hands or playing in the sink - the floor got wet and she slipped on the floor, hitting her head on the corner of stool. She got a good gash on the back of her head and required a trip to the ER for 3 staples. Fortunately it is pretty well hid by her hair.