Sunday, June 21, 2009

S.C. Trip

This is Claire's first airplane trip. She actually did fairly well- the only crying fit was on the way to Atlanta (on our first lag to South Carolina)- when Alley had a meltdown (see Alley's blog for details).

"Hmmm What should I have?"

"Hey they have pizza here!!!"

On a mouse hunt in downtown Greenville,SC.

We found one - kind-of like the Snoopy statues of St Paul or the Bison of Fargo. There is an accompanying book "Mice on Main".

At Chelsea's high school graduation party -Claire got down with the music. Her dancing mostly consists of precariously rocking back and forth.

Alley and Claire viewing Whitewater falls right over the border in North Carolina. Claire said a lot of "Wow"s.

Viewing another falls - Ready river falls in downtown Greenville, SC.

Claire - the newest proud supporter of the Greenville zoo.

More "Wow"s

I think that Claire had a good trip overall. She kept up with her sister the whole trip and most days did not take a nap (which wasn't so good). She loved playing with uncle Gregg's cat Widget - chasing the poor cat around the whole house. She also was thoroughly entertained by rearranging the magnets on Gregg's fridge. Her vocabulary has really taken off too - so it was fun to see her point out things that she saw and heard her try to talk about it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Big Girl Bed

Tonight will be Claire's first night in a big girl bed. She has been
using one at school for a while now, so we are hopeful it will go well.